1. Hobble-Bobble
Word Meanings -
Hobble – Bobble (हॉबल – बॉबल) = उलझाने वाली बातें
Woke up (वोक-अप) = सोकर उठा (Wake
up का भूतकाल)
Drank (ड्रेन्क) = पीया (Drink
का भूतकाल)
Ate (एट) = खाया (Eat का भूतकाल)
Slice (स्लाइस) = टुकड़ा जो किसी बड़े
टुकड़े से काटा गया हो जैसे ब्रेड
Caught (कॉट) = पकड़ा (Catch का भूतकाल)
Rode (रोड) = सवारी किया (Ride
का भूतकाल)
Broke (ब्रोक) = तोड़ा या तोड़ दिया (Break का भूतकाल)
Rang (रैंग) = फ़ोन किया (Ring का भूतकाल)
End to end (एंड टू एंड) = मैदान के एक
छोर से दूसरे छोर तक
Field (फील्ड) = मैदान, क्षेत्र
Swam (स्वैम) = तैरा (Swim
का भूतकाल)
Ceiling (सीलिंग) – कमरे की अंदरूनी छत (जहाँ पंखा लगाते हैं)
Crazy (क्रेज़ी ) = पागलपन से भरा
1. Make a list of the things the child does
in a strange way.
Example :
‘ate a cup of tea.’
The things that the child does in a strange
way are as follow –
(i) Drank a slice of bread.
(ii) Went to the bus stop and caught the
train to school.
(iii) Rode his bicycle in the swimming pool.
(iv) Rang his friend with the broken
(v) Swam in the football field.
(vi) Watched the radio.
(vii) Lay down on the ceiling.
(viii) Read a video.
2. See the pictures carefully and write the
lines from the poem under the related picture.
Give the correct words for the following
underlined words/
Example : I woke and got
into bed
I woke and got out of bed.
1. ate a cup of tea
Correct – drank a cup of tea.
2. drank a slice of bread
Correct – ate a slice of bread.
3. caught the train to school
Correct – caught the bus
to school.
4. rode the bicycle in the swimming
Correct – rode the bicycle on the road.
5. swam from end to end of the
Correct – ran from end to end of the field.
6. watched the radio
Correct – watched the video.
7. read a video
Correct – watched a video.
© 2019 Anupam Agrawal and CG-SCERT