Saturday, February 22, 2020

Class 7 - L14 - The Angel of Peace

14. The Angel of Peace

Word Meanings - 

Merry (मेरी) = आनंदित, प्रसन्न

Atmosphere (एटमॉस्फियर) = वातावरण, माहौल   

Charity (चैरिटी) = दान

Crisis (क्राइसिस) = संकट, मुसीबत  

Occasion (ऑकेजन) = अवसर 

Envelope (एनवलप) = लिफाफा 

Destitute (डेस्टिट्युड) = बेसहारा, निराश्रित

Sick (सिक) = बीमार

Refuse(रिफ्युज़) = इन्कार करना 

Authorities (अथॉरिटीज) = प्राधिकारी वर्ग

Shelter (शेल्टर) = आश्रय, शरणस्थल  

Dignity (डिग्निटी) = मर्यादा, गरिमा

Ill (इल) = बीमार

Hygiene (हाइजीन) = स्वच्छता

Appoint (अपॉइंट) = नियुक्त करना  

Darn (डार्न) = कपड़े के छेड़ को धागे से भरना, पैबंद लगाना

Humour (ह्यूमर)= हास्य, विनोद

Honesty (आनेस्टी) = ईमानदारी

Courage (करेज) = साहस

Anxious (एन्कशस) = चिंतित

Property (प्रॉपर्टी) = संपत्ति

Wealth (वेल्थ) = धन-संपदा

Patient (पेशेंट) = रोगी, मरीज

Dispensary (डिस्पेंसरी) = दवाखाना, अस्पताल

Victim (विक्टिम) = शिकार

Leprosy (लेप्रोसी) = कुष्ठ रोग

Commitment (कमिटमेंट) = वादा, प्रतिबद्धता

Transcend (ट्रांसेंड) = सीमा के पार, अतिक्रमण करना  

Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
1. How did the charity home celebrate Christmas every year?
Answer – The charity home used to arrange Christmas party every year for the children.

2. What did the man hand over to the Mother?
Answer – The man handed over an envelope to the Mother in which there were new hundred rupee notes.

3. What does it mean by “when the door-bell did not ring.”?
Answer – The term “When the door-bell did not ring” means that they did not get any help or support from anyone.

4. What did the admirer say?
Answer – The admirer said that Mother Teresa had no idea where the money would come from. But if a project was needed she would go ahead.

5. What is ‘Nirmal Hriday’?
Answer – ‘Nirmal Hriday’ is a shelter for those people who are seriously ill and unacceptable elsewhere. These people are washed, fed and sheltered in this home.

6. What did Mother do on the streets of Kolkata?
Answer – Mother collected children on the streets of Kolkata to teach them hygiene.

7. How was the ‘Missionaries of Charity’ formed?
Answer – Mother was looking for a centre for her work of teaching the street children hygiene, when a family offered her rooms in their house. She appointed about 26 assistants and the ‘Missionaries of Charity’ was formed.
8. Find out words that describe Mother’s simplicity?
Answer – “She lived a simple life, travelled by second-class on train, got down on hands and knees to scrub floors. She cherished simplicity and wore a shawl more darned than knitted”. These words describe her simplicity.

9. What did she want the people to know about the poor?
Answer – She wanted the people to know about of the greatness of the poor.

10. What was Mother Teresa’s real wealth?
Answer – Mother Teresa’s real wealth was Himalayan in size- 60 schools, 213 dispensaries, victims of leprosy in 54 clinics; orphaned children in 20 homes and destitute or dying people in 23 homes, all these in 35 cities and towns in India and in a dozen other countries.

11. How do people remember Mother Teresa?
Answer – People remember Mother Teresa for life-long commitment to the poor that excels all barriers.

B. Write True or False for each of the sentences given below.
a. The children of charity-home used to enjoy Christmas party
every year. (True)
b. The envelope contained new thousand (1000) rupee notes. (False)
c. Many times the inmates of the charity home had no Christmas party. (False)
d. Mother knew from where the money would come for a project. (True)
e. The municipal authorities refused to provide her a place for the poor. (False)
f. Most of the members of ‘The Missionaries of Charity’ are Indians. (True)
g. Mother Teresa knew the greatness of the poor. (True)

1. Form sentences using the following words :
crisis, project, dignity, hygiene, starving, property, hungry
Answer –
(i) Crisis – We should be strong enough to face any crisis.
(ii) Project The teacher gave projects to the students to help them learn better.
(iii) Dignity – We should always maintain our dignity.
(iv) Hygiene – Hygiene is the key to avoid many diseases.
(v) Starving – Ravi was starving as he got lost in the jungle.
(vi) Property – The rich people have big properties.

(vii) Hungry - The children are feeling hungry.

2. Find out the words from the puzzle which come from the clues given below the puzzle.
1. road (street)
2. suffering from illness (sick)
3. a place to live in (shelter)
4. one who is not rich (poor)
5. kindness, pity (mercy)
6. ability to behave in a calm and respectable way (dignity)
7. son or daughter of a person (child)
8. having no money, no food and no shelter (destitute)
9. a house or an area of a city that is in a very bad condition (slum)
10. to collect money or things to help the poor (charity)

Look at the following sentence.
Mother Teresa said, “ I am anxious for people to know of
the greatness of the poor.”
In this sentence, the exact words of Mother Teresa are used
and they are put in inverted commas.
We can also write the same sentence in a way that the same meaning is conveyed. We do so when we report someone’s speech in our language.
Example: Mother Teresa said that she was anxious for people to know of the greatness of the poor.

Rewrite the following sentences as given in the example.
1. Mother Teresa said, “I believe we need the poor as much as they need us.”
Answer - Mother Teresa said that she believed we need the poor as much as they need us.
2. She said, “They are just as hungry as we are.”
Answer - She said that they were just as hungry as we were.
3. An admirer said, “She has no idea where the money will come from.”
Answer - An admirer said that she had no idea where the money would come from.
4. Sister Franklin said. “This is a real sacrifice.”
Answer - Sister Franklin said that, that was a real sacrifice.
5. Mother replied, “I love the people of Kolkata.”
Answer - Mother replied that she loved the people of Kolkata.

© Anupam Agrawal

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