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हमारे साथ बने रहिये 🙏

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Class 7 - L16 - Halfway Down

16. Halfway Down

Reading Comprehension

Answer the following questions.
1. What does 'I' refer to in the poem?
Answer - ‘I’ in the poem refers to the poetess as a little girl.

2. Where does the child sit?
Answer - The child sits on the stair which is halfway down.

3. Why does the child like to sit there?
Answer - The child likes to sit there because it is neither at the top nor at the bottom – it is in the middle.

4. What is special about the stair where the child sits?
Answer - The special thing about the stair is that all sort of funny thoughts run around the child’s head when the child sits there.

A. Given are four sets of words. Each set makes a kangaroo word. The meaning of the kangaroo word is given in italics. Guess the kangaroo word.
(Select all letters that occur in the sets. A letter might be repeated if needed.)
Example :

B. Some words & pictures are given. Look at the pictures and give the rhyming words.

© 2020, Anupam Agrawal and CG-SCERT

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