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Saturday, November 6, 2021

Class 10 - Unit 02 - Section B - EXCUSES, EXCUSES AND EXCUSES…





Comprehension –

1. Write against each statement whether it is true or false and give reasons for your opinion.

i. Beinkensopp had four grandmothers, all of them were dead. (False)

Beinkensopp was just making excuses as always to avoid his PE classes.


ii. Beinkensopp’s hand was aching and that is why he did not iron the uniform. (False)

Beinkensopp was again giving excuse for not bringing his kit for PE. He had done it deliberately.


iii. Beinkensopp was afraid of the Maths test so he made an excuse. (True)

Beinkensopp really did make an excuse as he could have informed if he had visited a doctor.


iv. Beinkensopp did not like physical education and that is why he was always late. (True)

Beinkensopp had given the same excuse for the fourth times in one term and all on PE days.


v. The teacher believed that Beinkensopp was telling the truth about his grandmother. (False)

The teacher did not believe Beinkensopp’s words because he had already told about the death of his grandmother three more times before.


2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the brackets.

i. As Beinkensopp walked into class, the teacher said, ‘Late again, Beinkensopp?’ The use of the word ‘again’ shows that the teacher was annoyed (surprised/ annoyed/ disappointed) with Beinkensopp.

ii. Beinkensopp said that his grandmother was ‘seriously dead’ when his teacherasked him why he was late to school. This means that he wanted the teacher to believe (punish/ believe/ excuse) him.

iii. The teacher remarked, ‘that makes four grandmothers this term’. This means that Beinkensopp had four excuses.  (had four grandmothers/ had been late four times/ had four excuses)

iv. Beinkensopp couldn’t iron his shirt because he had a bad hand. Bad hand means he was injured. (he was injured/ he ironed badly/ he had dirty hands)

v. Beinkensopp’s teacher asked him, ‘What’s your excuse this time?’ This means that he believed that Beinkensopp was fooling him. (telling the truth/ fooling him/ diverting attention).


3. In the table given below write the excuses that Beinkensopp gives and the work that he wants to avoid. Also think why he could be avoiding the work.

Excuses given by Beinkensopp

Why is he giving excuses?

Grandmother died

Because he was late and did not want to be punished.

That was the dentist

He had missed yesterday’s maths test.

No kit

To avoid PE class.

Not ironed

To convince the teacher for leaving the kit.


4. Find other words with which you can replace the underlined words in the following lines.

1. Not my fault, sir (mistake)

2. She’s seriously dead alright sir. (really)

3. I know, it’s very upsetting sir (disappointing)

4. I’d been looking forward to it, sir. (waiting for / excited about)

5. Bad hand sir. (Injured)

© Anupam Agrawal

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