Saturday, August 31, 2019

Class 6 - L8 - The Hare on the Moon

8. The Hare on the Moon

Word Meanings - 

Hare (हेअर) = खरहा (खरगोश की एक प्रजाति)

Moon (मून) = चन्द्रमा, चाँद

Otter (ओटर) = उदबिलाव

A lot of (अ लॉट ऑफ़) = बहुत सारा  

A few (अ फ्यू) = थोड़ा सा

Together (टूगेदर) = साथ-साथ  

Hermit (हरमिट) = साधू, सन्यासी   

Tired (टायर्ड) = थका हुआ

Hungry (हंग्री) = भूखा

Nut (नट) = फली (मूंगफली)

Grass (ग्रास) = घास

Smile (स्माइल) = मुस्कुराहट

Wood (वुड) = लकड़ी, जंगल

Stone (स्टोन) = पत्थर

Fire (फायर) = आग

Burn (बर्न) = जलाना

Angel (एंजेल) = देवदूत

Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions:

1. Who were the hare’s friends?
Answer - A monkey and an otter were the hare’s friends.

2. What was the otter doing?
Answer - The otter was catching fish.

3. What did the hermit say when the monkey offered to give him nuts?
Answer - The hermit said that he wanted a lot of them as he was very hungry.

4. How did the hare make the fire?
Answer - The hare struck two stones together and made a fire.

5. What did the hare do after lighting the fire?
Answer - After lighting the fire the hare jumped into the fire and asked the hermit to eat him.

6. Why was the angel pleased with the hare?
Answer - The angel was pleased with the hare because he had sacrificed himself to save the life of the hermit.

B. Write True or False in the brackets:
1. The hermit was not hungry. (False)
2. The monkey offered him nuts. (True)
3. The hare was a kind animal. (True)
4. The otter offered nothing to the hermit. (False)
5. The hermit enjoyed eating fish. (False)
6. The hermit ate the grass. (False)
7. The hermit was an angel. (True)


Separate the animals given in the box according to the food they eat. Put them in the columns given below. You can add more animals:

cat, horse, dog, tiger, elephant,hare, deer, lion, wolf, cow, goat, camel

Eats only
Eats only
Eats both
flesh and plants
Please encourage students to add more animals in the list.

Look at the pictures and statements carefully :
The sentences given in the balloons can be repeated as below:

1. The hermit said, “I am hungry”.
The hermit said that he was hungry.

2. The otter said, “I have a few fish”.
The otter said that he had a few fish.

3. The monkey said, “I have some nuts”.
The monkey said that he had some nuts.

4. The hare said, “I have some grass”.
The hare said that he had some grass.

As you see, we make the following changes when we repeat somebody’s speech to someone else:
1. “ ” ( i.e.inverted commas) are removed.
2. ‘that’ is used after the ‘reporting verb’ (said)
3. ‘am’changes to was and ‘have’ to ‘had’ because the reporting verb is in the past tense.
4. Verbs used in present tense will be reported in past tense.

We now follow Shalini at school and home. She hears Geeta and Mohan talking at school. She then reports their conversation to her mother. One example is done for you. Do the rest of the exercise.

Answers in Text

“I have a new pen”
She said, “I want a pen”
She said that she had a new pen.

“I have an umbrella”
He said, “I have an umbrella”
He said that he had an umbrella.

“I have a new frock”
She said, “I have a new frock”
She said that she had a new frock.

“I am a student”
He said, “I am a student”
He said that he was a student.

“I have a purse”
She said, “I have a purse”

She said that she had a purse.

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